
Monday, February 14, 2011


According to legend, there was priest named Valentine in 3rd century Rome. The emperor at that time was Claudius II believed that singles men made better soldiers than those who were married. So, with this thought in mind, he outlawed marriage for young men hopes of building a stronger army. Supposedly, Valentine thought that this decree just wasn't fair and chose to marry young couples secretly.

When Emperor Claudius II found out about Valentine's acts, he had him put to death. While in prison, Valentine became a good friend to his jailor's blind daughter and it is said that just before his execution, he wrote a farewell message to her and signed it as 'From your Valentine'.

It is believed that he was executed on Feb 14, 270 AD and eventually, Valentine was martyred for not renouncing his faith. Over the centuries, Valentine's Day has evolved into a celebration of lovers with some enjoying it in low-key while others are full-fledged feats.

Adopted from NST (Monday, Feb 14, 2011)

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